Nutrition coaching provided by Beth is uniquely designed to help you understand the best of plant-based foods that specifically improve immune function and digestive health. These body systems are most often compromised in chronic illness, multiple medications, and nutrient deficiency. Together we will redefine healthy eating and living. Consider what your life would be like with simple choices that produce clearer thinking, reduce inflammation and improve your health status for a more hopeful, energetic life. As your food choices change, your body learns to repair, rebuild, and restore both health and wellness. Isn’t it time to discover the tools you need to restore health and wellness?

Initial Health Consultation

As a Nutrition Wellness Coach, my goal is to help you achieve an improved state of health by focusing on educating you to better understand and enhance your body’s own innate healing capacity by changing your diet or your approach to food in general. During an initial health consultation we will discuss your unique situation in depth and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals. All that we work together on regarding food and lifestyle choices will be alongside any medical intervention chosen between you and your doctor and as a support to that treatment path; I neither diagnose nor directly treat disease. I respect each person’s physiological and emotional individuality; all recommendations will take into account your particular situation.

Coaching Program

You will be given simple steps and practical support in a program designed to enhance your health goals, improve immune function and wellbeing that can include the following:

  • Explore concepts for improving digestive health and immune function
  • Begin eating healthy, whole foods
  • Understand and reduce chronic illness symptoms
  • Understand and reduce cravings
  • Increase energy
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Enjoy greater satisfaction with food choices and meal preparation
  • Improve health habits, exercise options, and responses to stress

Get in touch today to schedule your initial consultation.

Contact Beth
Contact Beth

Educational Seminars

Looking for a seminar speaker? We would love to talk with you about what we can offer. Read what our clients are saying…

Your nutritional seminar was outstanding! Thank you.
Kris W. Field, CCP, Director Human Resources
Cobham Sensor Systems
This workshop was very informative!
Sheila M. Smith, Senior Principal Materials Engineer
I really thought your seminar was very beneficial!
Sue Cassel, Engineering Department
very interesting – I learned that I do not eat as I should. Hopefully by attending future [workshops], my habits will change.
well worth the time. Great info…thank you!
Rita M. Kopp, PHR, Human Resources

For availability and topics!

Contact Beth